Handsaw | Pencil | Ruler | Hammer | Nails | Wood Glue | Drill
Be careful with the tools and nails as they have sharp ends! This is not intended for children.
Wear protective gear such as safety glasses and a mask.
Covid 19: Please be safe while shopping for the materials and follow the mandated safety guidelines.
Woodworking Disclaimer:
Wood working is inherently dangerous. Anyone using any tools is personally responsible for learning the proper techniques involved, and he or she assumes all risks and accepts complete responsibility for any and all damages and injury of any kind, including death. Before using any tools with which you are unfamiliar, seek instruction by a qualified person well versed in their use and follow appropriate safety techniques.
It remains up to you to make sure what you're doing is safe. Wood working is very fulfilling but it is not worth the cost of getting hurt. Please keep personal safety and the safety of people around you foremost in your mind.
Thank you!